Guillaume Maresquier
Sales, FranceIn France, Guillaume Maresquier is in charge of operations. Together with a sales manager and a logistics manager, they supply Corroventa products to customers throughout the country. Guillaume's working day involves everything from customer meetings and negotiations to order management and invoicing. A special features of the French market is that customers largely rent their equipment, so stock management and efficient logistics are very important for operations here. Business is going well and Guillaume hopes to expand his team soon.
What makes Corroventa special as a place to work? The atmosphere and the team. Everyone is very positive and supportive. Many have worked at Corroventa for a long time and are extremely knowledgeable, there is always someone to ask for advice.
Then, of course, I appreciate that we have premium products to offer the market. It makes my job as a salesman both easier and more enjoyable!
When he's not working, Guillaume enjoys a variety of more extreme leisure activities. For more than 15 years he was a keen hang-glider, but over the years he's been drawn to less dangerous activities such as scuba diving... He also enjoys spending time with his family and has three grown up children.